Bullying and Harassment is a constant concern for many businesses.
Einon HR has helped many of their clients by providing policies and procedures with regards to Bullying and Harassment which provide a framework (e.g. professional, polite etc). This can be referred to very positively especially if any behaviour doesn’t match up.
It is important to recognise that it is not only Managers who can be the bullies, junior members of staff can also bully their Manager.
Einon HR has also come across many instances where allegations have been made where a Manager has raised concerns over an individuals performance in a perfectly reasonably manner, however, the member of staff hearing the message did not like what they were hearing, and therefore tried to argue that the Manager was bullying them.
The workplace needs to be a safe place where members of staff are encouraged to raise concerns, and if they do observe poor behaviour they know when they raise their concerns the necessary action will be taken.